Biographies fulfill several different roles: they may simply satisfy one's curiosity over the lives/achievements of the biographees, provide tasty morsels of gossip or interesting stories, or play an "educational" role. Traditionally, the "educational role" of biographies has focused on their presentation of "role models" - whether moral, political or social - or the conditions/life experiences which led to the special significance of the biographee. Scientific biographies follow the same pattern. Like traditional biographies, they are usually limited to people of special significance: trailblazers, mavericks, geniuses, and people who left a mark on their scientific discipline or on the public perception of the worth of their subject.
I wish there were also another kind of biography, devoted to the intelectual careers of "normal" researchers: people who simply follow their intelectual curiosity, who are constrained by the amount of funding they can get and who pass away in obscurity after adding their small contributions to our colective knowledge. I do not want "human interest stories" played by researchers: I rather long for a description of their intelectual journeys, why they decided to study a specific problem, what kinds of mental connections they made (and why), in what measure their interpretation of their results was "commonplace" or (in contrast) specifically triggered by insights coming from seemingly unrelated work they had performed earlier, etc.
I want to read stories that show how each of these normal people, in their own way, made work which seems ordinary but is, in contrast, highly personal: work that would not have been done, or which would not have yielded the same insights, if that scientific question had been tackled by someone with a different research history. I am reasonably confident that most rank-and-file scientists would be fitting subjects for this style of biography, and that the study of these stories would teach us a lot about the roles that creativity, personality, luck and culture play in the fostering of a thriving research environment.
Showing posts with label education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label education. Show all posts
Thursday, April 28, 2016
New scientific biographies wanted....
Thursday, March 19, 2015
My new preprint is up
As part of their undergraduate training, our students are required to write a short thesis. Usually, due to the paucity of research funding, their theses take the format of a literature review. A few years ago, however, I proposed a computational study to the student I had been assigned. Despite no previous acquaintace with the subject, she eagerly took the task and performed some computations on possible reaction mechanisms of the organomercurial lyase MerB. She only had the time to compute a few of the possible pathways and therefore, after she had written her thesis with the data she had managed to gather, I completed the analysis of the other pathways we had thought of at the time, and a few that we had not envisaged. Writing it as a paper took me much longer than I had anticipated, mostly because I kept postponing it due to the thrill of running computations on other enzymes and projects. I have now managed to finish it and submitted it to PeerJ, where it is undergoing review. I have made it available as a Preprint, and would be thankful for any comments about it.
Addendum: the paper has been published
Addendum: the paper has been published
computational methods,
open access
Saturday, February 7, 2015
On the wrong use of expressions such as "evolution's null hypothesis"
A new paper published in PNAS has been in the news lately, claiming to have found 2-billion-years old fossils of sulfur-metabolizing bacteria undistinguishable from modern specimens. The abstract is somewhat cautious "The marked similarity of microbial morphology, habitat,
and organization of these fossil
communities to their modern counterparts documents exceptionally slow
(hypobradytelic) change
that, if paralleled by their molecular
biology, would evidence extreme evolutionary stasis." (emphasis added). In the press release and in their talks with the media, however, the authors of this study have been much more forceful and hyperbolic: they directly claim that these organisms have not changed at all! As any microbiologist worth its salt would attest, it takes a lot more than morphological similarities to establish that two microbial communities are composed of the same species. Otherwise, metabolic tests with dozens of substrates would not be needed to distinguish microbial species: we would simply need to throw the little bugs under a microscope and see what they looked like! How could the authors possibly be sure, simply from their tests,
that microbial adaptation to the environment had achieved that of modern
bacteria by the time their sample fossilized?
More than this extraordinary leap of logic, I was grated by the author's claim that such a lack of evolution would be in agreement with evolution's null-hypothesis of no biological change in the absence of changes in the physico-chemical environment, and it therefore strengthens the case for evolution.... How is it possible to cram so many errors and inaccuracies in such few words? How could the peer-reviewers let such inane nonsense appear in the title of the paper? Let us start to unravel the many mistakes in this formulation:
Claims unwarranted by data, exaggeration and PR stunts: all of these are usually as ascribed (rightly or not) to politicians, polemicists, salespeople and shady companies seeking to attract capital. Do we really want science to be tarred by the same brush?
More than this extraordinary leap of logic, I was grated by the author's claim that such a lack of evolution would be in agreement with evolution's null-hypothesis of no biological change in the absence of changes in the physico-chemical environment, and it therefore strengthens the case for evolution.... How is it possible to cram so many errors and inaccuracies in such few words? How could the peer-reviewers let such inane nonsense appear in the title of the paper? Let us start to unravel the many mistakes in this formulation:
- What the authors call "evolution's null hypothesis" has NOT (as far as I have been able to ascertain) ever been claimed as "evolution's null hypothesis" at all: it is well-know, at least since the seminal work by Kimura, that the strongest driver of genetic variation is not the positive selection of advantageous mutations but the random fixation of neutral (or barely neutral mutations). Indeed, in humans only ca. 400 of the estimated 16500 genes show strong evidence of positive selection, even though all of the genes show variation from those of closely-related species. It is therefore NOT at all expected that genomic stasis would be observed over a long period of time. Stating (as the authors) that observing no change in these organisms is a confirmation of the mechanisms of evolution reveals a shocking lack of knowledge regarding molecular evolution. And the authors have not even proved that there was no change: that would require establishing that their ATP-producing metabolism is as efficient as that of their modern counterparts, that they are able to use the same substrates, and contain all the same enzymes, etc....
- By claiming that an unchanging environment leads to an immutable species, the authors commit a further logical fallacy: after all, there was a time (let's call it t0) when the ancestor to that community first entered that unchanging environment. If an unchanging environment leads to evolutionary stasis, then the authors are claiming that at time t0+1 million years the species would be equal to that at time t0, or that at t0+2 million years, and so forth. But of course adaptation to an environment is not instantaneous, unless the parent ancestor already possesses all enzymes needed to thrive there (and this is most unlikely, as there has been no selective pressure for that). An unchanging environment therefore causes evolutionary pressures, at least in regards to the first cells which venture there.
- When an observation is compatible with different theories, it cannot be used to further any of them: after all, seeing no change in 2 billion years could also be used to argue for the immutability of species. It is therefore logically fallacious to present it as proof that Darwin was right. Also, evolutionary theory has also developed a lot since the writing of "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life". Shouldn't other workers, like Kimura, Felsenstein, Farris and Gould be acknowledged?
- Why would any scientist need to claim that “the findings therefore provide further scientific proof for Darwin’s work.”? Do astrophysicists need to state “the findings therefore provide further scientific proof for heliocentrism” every time that a new comet is found, its orbit is computed, and it is found to move around the sun rather than around the earth? Do anthropologists working in the Balkans need to point out that “the findings therefore provide further scientific proof that human societies do not all resemble hunter-gatherer groups?” The curious insistence of American-based media to frame biological discoveries as a supposed debate/beauty-contest between "evolution" and "creationism/immutability of species/intelligent design" is completely mind-boggling to any European, whether religious or not. This insistence was also displayed in Neil de Grasse Tyson's "Cosmos", which, unlike Sagan's masterpiece, seemed more interested in scoring debate points against a sub-section of its domestic audience than on presenting the astounding amount of knowledge mankind has gathered in the few millenia we have spent since the dawn of agriculture.
Claims unwarranted by data, exaggeration and PR stunts: all of these are usually as ascribed (rightly or not) to politicians, polemicists, salespeople and shady companies seeking to attract capital. Do we really want science to be tarred by the same brush?
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Challenges of teaching Biochemistry to Health Sciences students
Had anyone told me, 20 years ago, that I would earn my living as a lecturer, I would have considered it as a put-down. I did have a lot of respect and appreciation for (most of) my lecturers at the University of Porto, but I expected to become a full-time scientist, rather than a "lecturer who finds time to do some science in-between classes/grading" or a "researcher with required part-time lecturing duties". Real life disabused me of that expectation: due to the dearth of other scientific jobs in Portugal, I did become a "lecturer who finds time to do some science in-between classes/grading" after finishing my PhD.
The culture shock I experienced when I first lectured to Health Science Students left me unable to speak about much more than the woes of teaching for the best part of a year. A big portion of my surprise came from my first-contact with regular students who attended my lectures simply because they were required to by the University, rather than due to recognizing the subject as a relevant background for their (mostly) vocational training as Physical Therapists, etc. Being required to take most classes to graduate (rather than choosing large part of the curriculum around a core subset) is a very common feature of university curricula in Portugal. In principle, it is meant to ensure that all students have a balanced curriculum and do not "flee" the hardest subjects. In practice, it also tends to lead to ever larger classes of those same "hard subjects", since students tend to consider those lectures as bureaucratic hurdles thrown at them, rather than as valuable knowledge and therefore feel disengaged, alienated and fail them in large numbers.
All classes I have taught (Biochemisty, Organic/General/Analytic Chemistry, Basic Mathematics/Statistics) fall into the "hard subjects" class. In my first years of lecturing, I had a most demotivated cohort of students. My expectations regarding their performance were generally very unrealistic, as my baseline comparison was my own student experience at my "alma mater", where I was surrounded by engaged student peers who were motivated into learning pure scientific subjects, and did not regard them as "filler" or "bureacratic hurdles" aimed at winnowing the sutdent body. Moreover, my "alma mater", the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Porto, was famous among students by its harsh grades: attrition was relatively high, less than 20% of those graduating from its Chemistry or Biochemistry curricula would have an average grade of 16/20 or 17/20, and higher final grades were virtually unheard of. In other Portuguese Universities, final average grades of 18/20 were common, even though their student body was of the same (or even slighly lower) quality, as judged by their entry grades.
I eventually adapted to the students' expectations, and developed a teaching method that engages students and apparently motivates them (as judged from the appreciative comments in teacher evaluation forms). However, I find that this only seems to work during class time: students pay attention, seem to be making all the right connections (as long as I softly nudge them towards the right path, etc.), congratulate me on the quality of lectures, etc. In tests/quizzes/exams, however, a strong disconnect appears: ca. 50% of my students still struggle with many concepts that I would consider as absolutely basic. Why does this happen?
I have just found out that there is a proper name to what is happening in my classes: pseudoteaching (defined as " The concept [...] that even the most outwardly perfect lesson can result in students not actually getting what it is you wanted them to understand."): along with this, there is also pseudolearning ("Going through the “expected” steps without extracting a solid, working understanding of a topic would") and pseudostudying (which I would define as "reading and working the material to the point where one feels tired but without actually taking anything from the exercise due to inability to distill the core concepts into working knowledge"). I cannot prevent students from pseudolearning or pseudostudying (apart from exhorting them to rest properly, keep their blood sugar levels up while studying and work/study in short bursts daily rather than pulling all-nighters on the eve of the tests). Avoiding pseudoteaching is in my power, but I do not (yet) know how to: Jan Jensen (following Mazur) advocates a flipped classroom model where exposition occurs outside class time (using short video lectures and key exercises) followed by solving exercises "in-class" with free exchange of ideas among students (peer-instruction). I do not think this method would help with my students, though: a previous experience of short (< 10 minutes) in-class quizzes led to class disruption, acutely stressed students during and after the quiz and minimal improvement in weekly off-class engagement with the study material. What would you suggest me do?
The culture shock I experienced when I first lectured to Health Science Students left me unable to speak about much more than the woes of teaching for the best part of a year. A big portion of my surprise came from my first-contact with regular students who attended my lectures simply because they were required to by the University, rather than due to recognizing the subject as a relevant background for their (mostly) vocational training as Physical Therapists, etc. Being required to take most classes to graduate (rather than choosing large part of the curriculum around a core subset) is a very common feature of university curricula in Portugal. In principle, it is meant to ensure that all students have a balanced curriculum and do not "flee" the hardest subjects. In practice, it also tends to lead to ever larger classes of those same "hard subjects", since students tend to consider those lectures as bureaucratic hurdles thrown at them, rather than as valuable knowledge and therefore feel disengaged, alienated and fail them in large numbers.
All classes I have taught (Biochemisty, Organic/General/Analytic Chemistry, Basic Mathematics/Statistics) fall into the "hard subjects" class. In my first years of lecturing, I had a most demotivated cohort of students. My expectations regarding their performance were generally very unrealistic, as my baseline comparison was my own student experience at my "alma mater", where I was surrounded by engaged student peers who were motivated into learning pure scientific subjects, and did not regard them as "filler" or "bureacratic hurdles" aimed at winnowing the sutdent body. Moreover, my "alma mater", the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Porto, was famous among students by its harsh grades: attrition was relatively high, less than 20% of those graduating from its Chemistry or Biochemistry curricula would have an average grade of 16/20 or 17/20, and higher final grades were virtually unheard of. In other Portuguese Universities, final average grades of 18/20 were common, even though their student body was of the same (or even slighly lower) quality, as judged by their entry grades.
I eventually adapted to the students' expectations, and developed a teaching method that engages students and apparently motivates them (as judged from the appreciative comments in teacher evaluation forms). However, I find that this only seems to work during class time: students pay attention, seem to be making all the right connections (as long as I softly nudge them towards the right path, etc.), congratulate me on the quality of lectures, etc. In tests/quizzes/exams, however, a strong disconnect appears: ca. 50% of my students still struggle with many concepts that I would consider as absolutely basic. Why does this happen?
I have just found out that there is a proper name to what is happening in my classes: pseudoteaching (defined as " The concept [...] that even the most outwardly perfect lesson can result in students not actually getting what it is you wanted them to understand."): along with this, there is also pseudolearning ("Going through the “expected” steps without extracting a solid, working understanding of a topic would") and pseudostudying (which I would define as "reading and working the material to the point where one feels tired but without actually taking anything from the exercise due to inability to distill the core concepts into working knowledge"). I cannot prevent students from pseudolearning or pseudostudying (apart from exhorting them to rest properly, keep their blood sugar levels up while studying and work/study in short bursts daily rather than pulling all-nighters on the eve of the tests). Avoiding pseudoteaching is in my power, but I do not (yet) know how to: Jan Jensen (following Mazur) advocates a flipped classroom model where exposition occurs outside class time (using short video lectures and key exercises) followed by solving exercises "in-class" with free exchange of ideas among students (peer-instruction). I do not think this method would help with my students, though: a previous experience of short (< 10 minutes) in-class quizzes led to class disruption, acutely stressed students during and after the quiz and minimal improvement in weekly off-class engagement with the study material. What would you suggest me do?
Learning from questions posed by students
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